Thermocouple Field Calibrator

Brand: Palmer Wahl Instruments, Inc

These thermocouple meter accessory is useful for field diagnostics, and assures meter accuracy whenever you are about to make measurements or when a measurement is in question.
4-Point calibrator meter accessory allows 4-point calibration over the meter's full range. 
Useful for quick field diagnostics, it assures meter accuracy whenever you are about to make measurements or when a measurement is in question.

Models matching criteria: 3
Field Calibrator has calibration points at 100°F, 155°F, 200°F, 250°F, and 300°F
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Does not ship to VA, United States
4-Point Field Calibrator with points at 70°C, 400°C, 800°C, 1200°C
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Does not ship to VA, United States
4-Point Field Calibrator has points at 130°F, 650°F, 1300°F, 1900°F
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Does not ship to VA, United States

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